
Spirent Solutions for ASTRA International Testing

Cybersecurity threats keep changing. Keeping pace can seem overwhelming. But one partner continues to deliver what digital businesses need most right now: trust. Spirent helps you tame the complexities of cybersecurity, mitigate risks, and maximize the resiliency of your networks—so you have the confidence to innovate, full speed ahead.



In today’s hostile computing environment, companies are justifiably concerned about suffering attacks from malicious entities. Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS), ConFickrworm, Nimda, SQL Slammer, email viruses and their endless variants—IT professionals understand that defending
against these attacks is a difficult proposition, and that the price of failure is higher than most companies are willing to admit.


Spirent’s next-generation solution provides visibility into essential areas of network security and allows Spirent customers to move beyond just measuring the network’s capacity for normal traffic. Customers can now emulate and analyze the effects of corrupt and malicious traffic and other impairments on their networks alongside normalized user traffic. By using Avalanche’s Vulnerability Assessment, network security professionals can identify vulnerabilities through realistic attacks like DDoS on individual devices or entire networks. The ability to run sequences of controlled attacks (even timing attacks throughout an entire test run) greatly accelerates the task of closing system vulnerabilities and setting the right cyber security policies. Continuously updated exploit definitions in the Avalanche attack knowledge base assist in the prevention of malware surprises



  • Characterize the capabilities of the security components within ASTRA INTERNATIONAL
  • Determine customer infrastructure response time during DDoS and other forms of attack


  • Determine the ability of the NETWORK SECURITY APPLIANCES to handle and secure the network
  • Test the effectiveness of the security design & policies in processing legitimate traffic while under heavy attack