You’re streaming a big event - a season premiere, a sporting event, a concert.... and you must do your best to make sure it all goes smoothly, because a lot is riding on it. The event is right around the corner. Is your delivery system up to the challenge? What will happen if you get far more visitors than you expect? Can your CDN scale up to handle the load? Will your overseas viewers be happy? How about your mobile audience? Will your content play on all of their different devices? Too many questions, and too few answers. You CAN get these answers quickly, without installing test equipment all over the Internet, or deploying new apps that can measure what is happening at the viewer’s device. In fact, if something bad is happening at the viewer device, it is too late. IneoQuest’s technology, deployed in the cloud for rapid scalability and broad geographic coverage, is used today to monitor some of the biggest, most visible events on the planet.
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